Event Reviews

Creating Post-Event Surveys: What’s Its Importance in 2022?

Eventually Learning Team

“Surveys show that surveys never lie.” - Natalie Angier

Organizing an event is like a complex process and its framework of innumerable interconnected tasks warrant ample time, skilled workforce and relevant resources. All events start with the objective of attaining pre-defined event goals and a substantial effort goes into making sure that those are achieved. Once the event is over, it’s essential to know what went in your favor and what didn’t! Some aspects of your event see more success than others, especially from the perspectives of event stakeholders like attendees and sponsors.

However, a defined pathway for exchanging stakeholder feedback is required to gain this insight and conducting event surveys helps organizers do just that! In addition, the feedback gathered through these surveys acts as a performance-enhancer, helps organizers identify any fault lines; and in effectively structuring future events.

Who’s Your Survey Audience?

Now that you have decided to conduct an event survey after your event, who will it be for?
Well, the event management space caters to a variety of stakeholders, that the organizers need to identify before conducting surveys:


The most significant and influential stakeholders in the events ecosystem – the attendees’ feedback is precious for event organizers. Their response, based on the kind of event experience they’ve had, can benefit and, at the same time, be detrimental to your event's future editions!

Event Sponsors

Sponsors play a crucial role at any event. For organizers, a sponsor’s support during the event doubles the event's impact on attendees. Therefore, asking event sponsors about their experiences and working towards improving them should be a high-ranking priority!


Another significant and indispensable element of your event is the speakers. Their expertise acts as the magnetic pull to reel in event attendees from across the globe. Speaker feedback is valued immensely by event organizers. Subsequently, organizers can work towards enhancing the speaker experience at future events.

How to Create an Effective Event Survey?

Roll Out Your Surveys Quickly!

Sending out your event surveys as soon as your event is over can be highly beneficial! Ideally, you don’t want your attendees to forget their experience, and sending them post-event surveys quickly would ensure that you get ‘accurate’ and ‘honest’ reviews of your event.

Avoid Lengthy Surveys

Nobody likes reading long documents, and surveys, for that matter, are no exception. Unfortunately, creating lengthy event surveys will not just delay feedback but in most cases, eliminate the possibility of even getting one!
So, the key to getting effective feedback from your event stakeholders is to make sure your surveys are short and crisp, making it easier and less time-consuming to fill up!

Include Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

The trick to drawing quick responses from attendees is to integrate multiple choice questions into your event survey. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) make it a lot easier for attendees to answer post-event surveys since they are specific, take less time to answer and are preferred by everyone, over open-ended questions.

Avoid Complex Questions

Questions included in your survey shouldn’t be complicated, as answering feedback questions should not be a hassle for your event audience. Instead, they should be extremely clear and concise and relevant to the scenario attendees were in, during the event.

General Feedback Questions for Attendees

Some general feedback questions can be framed as follows:
  • What are the primary objectives you set out with before attending the event (event experience, knowledge expansion, networking possibilities)?
  • Was this event successful in meeting your event objectives?
  • What could the organizers have done differently to enhance your experience?
  • How does this event compare with any other events of similar nature which you have attended?
  • Would you like to participate in another edition of this event again?
  • Would you recommend this event to your peers?

Sponsor Feedback Questions

Some questions for the sponsors can be framed as follows: These questions can be rated on a scale of 1 to 10:
  • How would you rate the event at large?
  • How much did you gain from this event regarding your sales goals?
  • How likely are you to collaborate with us again in the future?
  • How helpful and friendly was the on-ground event staff?

Speaker Feedback Questions

These questions can be rated on a scale of 1 to 10:
  • How was your overall experience as a speaker at this event?
  • How likely are you to speak at another edition of this event?
  • How engaging was the audience at this event?
  • How effectively was the audience aligned with your session topic?


Event organizers put in a remarkable effort to ensure that their event is a roaring success. However, given the way attendees and other stakeholders perceive the event; event experience is of paramount importance. Therefore, constructive feedback plays a significant role in event improvisation, and organizers must acknowledge and work upon that!

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the three post event activities and their importance?

The three primary post-event activities are:
  • Participant evaluation
  • Post-event debriefing
  • Post-event report generation 

What is event evaluation survey?

In an event evaluation survey, organizations can get inputs from past attendees to help analyze an event's strengths and weaknesses and improvise in the future. One study showed that most event organizers (90%) rely on measurable feedback to gauge their attendees' event satisfaction levels.

What is an event feedback form?

The event feedback form allows organizers to gather feedback from attendees regarding the event, speakers, venue, services, etc. The event organizers can fully understand their audiences’ experiences by getting valuable responses from them and then drive further event service improvisations.

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