Virtual Events

Virtual Events: Top Five Advantages That Scale Your Marketing

Eventually Learning Team

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein

From multinationals to various small businesses, all have pivoted to virtual events to spread their services, knowledge and brand name. Although most of us were used to the in-person experience before the pandemic, we now prefer a virtual component for all activities. Similarly, for events, organizers have pivoted to a virtual model because of the numerous benefits it offers. Let’s take a look!

The World Is Your Limit

What does an organizer desire the most? The answer is simple – event registrations! An event marketer's main objective and source of revenue are gathering the maximum number of registrations. In a virtual event, you have the advantage to go global and target attendees beyond the most unthinkable borders. It also means that even local events and businesses have the opportunity to rock the world!

According to Allied Market Research, the virtual event industry will reach $2.3 trillion by 2026.

Network Beyond the Borders with Like-minded People

If your worry as an attendee is that you won't be able to network efficiently with people, you are mistaken! Even in virtual events, the opportunities to interact with like-minded people are immense. As a global audience is present, you can approach audiences from demographics you've never thought about. It could be a profitable business opportunity for you! You can also re-watch the recorded sessions later to check out the names of people you've interacted with.

According to The Social Media Hat statistics, the second primary reason for attending virtual events for attendees is networking.

Virtual Events Are a Gold Mine of Attendee Data

The major advantage of organizing a B2B virtual event is getting potential lead data at your fingertips! When hosting activities online, everything can be tracked. Even an organizer can genuinely understand which sessions attendees liked the most and how much time they spent on your engagement activities. It becomes easy to track success metrics and calculate audience feedback for future conferences. You can keep a virtual record of attendee data and re-target them for your upcoming events.

You Can Be Thrifty With Virtual Events

One terrific advantage of hosting a virtual event is that you don't have to pay for a venue, catering, seating, equipment and décor, which helps you save a lot! Even attendees don't have to think once about the cost they will have to spend on travel and stay. According to a blog post by Nurture, virtual events are one of the best ways to maximize your ROI. Now that you are saving heavily on costs, you can invest that money in getting a virtual event platform, engagement tools, event swag bags, lunch delivery for attendees and more!

Your Virtual Event Ideas Require Less Time for Execution

When there's no pressure to book and set up an entire venue for an event, you can save time! Organizing a virtual event is not that tedious; you can execute your ideas to perfection within a limited time frame. You only have to start your media promotions and registration campaigns one to three months before your virtual event. Since there's no worry about accommodation or traveling, even attendees can tune in to your event just before it starts from anywhere in the world.

Wrapping Up

With virtual events, the scope is infinite! As an organizer, you can save time, costs, efforts to plan a power-packed virtual event with ample networking opportunities. In addition, attendees can join virtual conferences from anywhere, thereby saving time and money on travel and accommodation. It is the year of virtual and hybrid events; plan yours now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are virtual events trending?

Virtual events provide attendees the golden chance to attend, network and expand their business from the comfort of their own homes. Since it is easy and accessible, the virtual component of events is here to stay.

What is the biggest benefit of hosting a virtual event?

The multiple benefits of planning a virtual event are:
  1. You can save time, effort and money
  2. You can gather numerous ideas for content creation
  3. It simplifies networking for stakeholders
  4. You can gain attendee insights automatically
  5. It boosts global reach and registrations

How can I make my virtual event better?

Some virtual event planning tips to make your event better are:
  1. Be clear with your event objective
  2. Find a suitable platform to host your virtual conference
  3. Fix the right date
  4. Start promoting your event one to three months prior
  5. Include diverse moderators and sessions speakers
  6. Be ready with out-of-the-box engagement activities
  7. Have a solid troubleshooting team ready

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