Hybrid Events

Hybrid Events: A Sustainable Way to Organize Events

Eventually Learning Team

A hybrid event is a new trend in the event industry. We are all in the situation where virtual events are preferred over in-person meetings to reduce the possibility of the pandemic spread. Due to the recent tough times, event organizers are unable to organize a big event with thousands of attendees at a venue.

At such a time, the concept of hybrid events has come to the rescue of event organizers. It has saved the event organizers with a hybrid format in hand that would help in organizing events and recovering the financial losses due to the pandemic. Moreover, the multiple benefits of hybrid events, such as reduced travel costs, flexibility and increased audience reach, have exponentially encouraged the use of hybrid events by event organizers in 2021.

Let’s understand the concept of hybrid events and why these are considered sustainable events.

1 The Concept of Hybrid Events

With the combined elements from in-person and virtual events, hybrid events are the future for the event industry. Hybrid events give a platform to diverse speakers situated at various regions around the globe. These events are beneficial for attendees to engage in the live events from the comfort of their homes, which, in turn, reduces the carbon footprints caused by transportation to the venue. In addition, event organizers get maximum audience reach and improved ROI with the use of a hybrid format. Hybrid events are simply a better choice to make our planet a healthier place.

2 Why Change to Hybrid Events?

If we have talked about in-person events, or if we have attended one, we understand that attendees travel to various countries to attend an event physically. This whole journey consumes cost, effort, and the time of attendees, speakers and sometimes, event organizers. Furthermore, an in-person event produces a large amount of pollution in food, paper and plastic waste. The event organizers cannot overlook these drawbacks of in-person events.

While planning a hybrid event, none of the aforementioned terms are even on the agenda. In comparison to typical events, hybrid event will be entirely focused on the content that enables the event to accomplish its objectives more effectively. It will be a pure B2B event where everybody (attendees and speakers) exchanges their viewpoints with each other. On account of all this, event organizers must look at the drawbacks of in-person events and enter into the new trend of hybrid events to make our planet a more restored place to walk.

The pandemic has also forced everyone to live a sustainable lifestyle. Likewise, we all should think about climate change and its after-effects. From now on, everyone must adopt an environmentally responsible way of living. Hybrid events are the technology-based path to walk on in order to achieve our goals as well as opportunities for dual sponsorships.

3 Importance of Hybrid Events

As per the latest study on hybrid events, 63% of businesses with 2000-5000 employees incorporated hybrid events into their event portfolio. Let’s understand some significant factors that have made hybrid events the future of events.

3.1 Cut down Emission and Waste

Promotional pamphlets, badges, pens, notepads, wristbands, paper mugs and much more are all examples of promotional perks you receive at any in-person events. Half of this material goes to the trash without any use.

On the other hand, hybrid events reduce the traveling factor and the in-person attendance, curbing down the use of event materials, hence, making hybrid events a carbon-neutral practice.

3.2 Reduce Financial Barriers to Entry

The in-person event can be a costly affair due to traveling, accommodations and food expenses. At one time, companies or individuals who planned for in-person event visits had to include the annual budget for it in their annual expense plan. However, hybrid events have now cut down this segment of the budget completely for attendees because they can attend the event remotely. Attendees would prefer a hybrid event over an in-person event when it is unnecessary to physically attend an event.

3.3 Give Access to Attendees with a Disability

As per the U.S. Census Bureau reports, one out of five people in the U.S. possesses a disability. Regarding this, if you are planning for a hybrid event, then, attendees with some health limitations or disabilities would have easy access to these events. This practice also breaks the attendee barriers and extends the attendee reach.

3.4 Cater to a Diverse Audience

Diverse audiences that include people with work obligations, physical disabilities, VISA issues and financial problems face challenges attending in-person events at particular locations. Because of this, these potential audience members miss some exceptional events. On the other hand, if the same event had been organized with a hybrid format, then virtual audiences could have also attended the event with ease. Hybrid events eliminate the challenges faced by diverse audiences around the globe. In addition, choosing the right hybrid event platforms such as Eventcube, Accelevents, and vFairs enhances the user’s event experience.

4 Hybrid Event Examples

The pandemic has shifted many in-person events to hybrid events in 2021. Here, we will see a couple of hybrid event examples that have achieved success even during the pandemic.

4.1 Empower 21

The pandemic lockdown caused restrictions across many countries, and many country’s government guidelines and regulations shut down the operations of in-person events. Empower 21, a Christian conference, was one of the most significant large-scale events organized in February 2021 in Texas. The event was available for both in-person and virtual audiences to attend. Those attending virtually were able to have the same level of experience as the in-person audience. Event organizers also followed all the safety protocols for in-person event attendees.

4.2 Social Media Marketing World

Social media marketing platforms have many leading influencers and business leaders who have offered practical sessions, fun sessions, free webinars and other inspiring sessions to their target audience during the pandemic. Many of them also organized sessions as s hybrid events with limited audience members present at their location to experience the live session.


Hybrid events seem to have a promising future due to their rising acceptance among event attendees and organizers. As a result, most companies are building their hybrid event strategies to reach a large number of audiences. Furthermore, the latest technology application in hybrid events is taking the event experience to the next level. By all means, the hybrid events are ready to transform into sustainable events with an optimistic future in the event industry.


1. Are hybrid events sustainable?

Yes, hybrid events are sustainable. They reduce the transportation carbon footprint and cut down food waste and garbage production.

2. How do you make a hybrid event sustainable?

By hiring a professional event partner, a company can remove potential waste from the events, arrange for group transportation if needed and choose venues with green credentials.

3. How are hybrid events reducing financial barriers?

Reducing the transportation and accommodation cost for events, reducing the cost of food, and reducing other necessary arrangements required for in-person events are the primary efforts that make hybrid events cost-effective.

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