Event Marketing

9 Event Trends That Will Rule in 2021

Eventually Learning Team
The event industry has been changed forever due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the changes will continue in the future. So, event attendees need to brace themselves for the changes, adapt their participation according to it and ensure that they stay ahead of any new changes.

If you are an enthusiastic event attendee who is always wondering about how the event industry is changing so that you can attend multiple events and get the most out of them, then read on. Here we have mentioned a few event planning trends that will rule in 2021 and beyond. Read about them all to make the most of your attendee experience and be an informed attendee.

Live Events are Back

The coronavirus pandemic led to sudden shutdowns of states and even nationwide restrictions. In such situations, the event organizers and event attendees had to move to virtual platforms. Thanks to the rapid vaccination drives, people are eager to get away from home and live without restrictions. So, virtual events are now switching to hybrid events or in-person events. If you have hoped to return to an in-person event or a live event as an attendee, you might get invited to one in the next few days!

High-Value Content is Now Easily Available

Gone are the days when event attendees had to attend many events to come across one with high-value content. Now, event organizers are solely focused on creating high-value content that will enlighten the attendees and meet their expectations. Thankfully, high-value content is available during live events, hybrid events, and virtual events. So, you can attend an event in any form in order to become enlightened.

Hybrid Events Will Gain More Importance

If you think the return of live events would push hybrid events to the backseat, you are wrong. As many event attendees are still very reluctant to attend live events for more than a few hours, the shift to hybrid events will stay. You should prepare yourself to attend an event live for one day and virtually the next time. It's fun if you make it.

Focus on Bettering Virtual Events

Event organizers are focused on improving the virtual event experience by taking care of how to organize them. It is good for attendees as it means fewer technical disruptions or production quality issues like sound, camera quality, and lighting while attending an event on a virtual event platform. So, you will be able to attend well-organized and easy-to-attend virtual events.

Being Contactless via Technology

Among the coolest event planning trends that attendees can look forward to is going contactless via technology. The next time you attend an in-person event, you may be instructed to pick up a smart badge or wristband. The RFID, or radio-frequency identification technology, ensures contactless payment and retrieval of digital leads. Wearable tech can also help with contact tracing and reduce the risks by assisting in crowd control.

Increased Use of Safety Signage

Because the coronavirus pandemic is a catastrophe that no one is likely to forget anytime soon, attendees can expect increased use of safety signage at live events. The signage aims to help you (the attendee) protect yourself and practice some basic protocols like washing your hands or following the social-distancing norms. Safety signage is now seen at most industry or professional events as well as other large-scale events.

Enhanced Cyber Security

Event organizers focus on making the online experience safer for the attendees. They seek answers to questions like how to get security audits done while conceptualizing your event or offering passwords without logins to the audience. Due to all these efforts, attendees can now attend a virtual event with more confidence while ensuring the security of their private information. Suppose the websites collecting information of the attendees such as their contact number, email id, or credit card credentials are safe. This means the attendees don't have to worry about the data getting hacked or misused.

Personalization is Getting Attention

One of the coolest event-planning trends you will enjoy as an attendee is the touch of personalization. Event planners are putting forth a lot of effort to tailor the event experience. They let attendees navigate the field and choose what events are the most useful for them. They even hire an expert, like an event technologist, to review event data so that the t experience can be further improved for the attendee. Data says that personalization can help to eliminate Zoom fatigue in events that are organized online. Personalization can help the attendees fight off fatigue and stay more involved throughout the event. Similarly, personalization of in-person events makes attendees feel more comfortable and involved.

Audio Only Virtual Events are On the Rise

As an event attendee, you may have experienced Zoom fatigue during one virtual event or another. Event planners are helping people like you avoid event fatigue by organizing audio-only events. These are an excellent idea as you can do anything while attending an event via your mobile device. You can complete home chores like walking your dog or jogging to stay healthy while finding value in the events. Audio-only streams and podcasts will keep you engaged and allow you to gain valuable information even when you are on the go.

Final Words

These are some event planning trends that will rule in 2021 and beyond. But, of course, this is just a small list among many changes that will take place in the future. So, as an event attendee, you can expect some high level of awesomeness from the events you attend, either in-person events or virtual ones. If you are an eager event attendee, you can also know about ‘Eventually.’ It's an unbiased and valuable B2B event review platform where you can share your opinions about different events and help your fellow attendees make the right choice. It’s an all-new venture by Media7. 'Eventually’ is meant to help attendees save time and effort in selecting the next event that's worth their attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Event Planning a growing industry?

Yes, event planning is a growing industry. It is expected to reach USD $1,552 billion by 2028.

What are the top 3 trends in event management?

Live streaming, the use of AR and VR and the addition of artificial intelligence are the top three trends of event management.

What is the future of the event industry?

The future of the event industry includes event planning trends like the increase of virtual events, hybrid events and enhanced personalization for attracting and engaging the attendees.

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