Planning & Promotion

7 Fundamental Webinar Promotion Tactics to Nail Your Next Webinar

Eventually Learning Team

With this article, we will give you the right pro tips to organize a successful webinar. With these strategies, you can establish a concrete digital presence in the global market through effective webinar promotion that will surely help generate demand and drive registrations.

1. Webinar Marketing

Webinar marketing is a vital strategy for B2B businesses, and a lot of B2C businesses are also using this approach to build a more personal relationship with the audience.

In order to survive digitally and compete with leading brands in the market, choosing the right kinds of webinars is very important.

Depending on your business needs, on-demand webinars can help generate high traffic, and increased attendees mean increased recognition and revenue for your business. How to understand which kind of webinar is the right one for you? Here is a list of different kinds of webinars to help you decide and increase your brand reach.

Types of Webinars

1.1 E-Learning Webinars

The edtech industry has received a major thrust upwards due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and due to this phenomenon, the most common and popular type of webinar is the e-learning webinar.

These webinars are generally organized to promote learning and to educate consumers about the business.

These types of educational webinars have also gained momentum because influencers and professional educators are taking the virtual route to impart learning.

According to statistics, the e-learning industry is expected to grow to a whopping $315 billion by the year 2025. So, if you are planning to venture out in this industry, this is the right time to do it by hosting live and on-demand e-learning webinars.

1.2 Branding Webinars

These webinars can be organized for the sole purpose of increasing your brand awareness.

Precise planning and execution of branding webinars can help in establishing your brand as an industry leader, and will give you a loyal audience and customers who stay true and stick to your brand and services.

Strategic placement of your brand logo at various places during the webinar will help in increasing visibility and brand recall. So, don’t forget to creatively advertise your brand via webinars.

1.3 Thought Leadership Webinars

Thought leadership webinars can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By talking about your skills and achievements during the webinar, you can generate high-quality leads and establish new connections.

1.4 Lead Nurturing Webinars

Businesses have been through a rough patch during the pandemic, when lead generation became a slightly challenging task. But with the advent of new technologies and marketing tactics, lead nurturing webinars have become a highly prominent method of generating leads to boost business.

If the right rules for webinar promotion are leveraged, a handful of leads can emerge out of a simple, thoughtful webinar. If you create webinars just to nurture existing leads in your pocket, then these types of webinars can yield surprising results. Just consider these statistics: 73% of B2B sales heads and leaders have said that a webinar is one of the best ways to generate high-quality leads and to retain existing leads for a long period of time.

By demonstrating unique properties and sharing educational content about your company, business, products and services, leads can be nurtured further, thereby creating long-term business partnerships.

1.5 New Features Webinars

Most of us forget to showcase innovation and creativity from time to time to keep our target audiences updated. Whenever new products or features are launched or incorporated into your business, organizing customized webinars or crafting an ideal webinar according to your business agenda is extremely effective.

One of the most important aspects of such webinars should be two-way or multi-way communication. While demonstrating new products or services online, you should always be open to receiving questions from the audience about your new features. According to statistics and research, 92% of webinar attendees like and expect an interactive question-and-answer session at the end of a webinar.

To promote your business and webinar effectively, you should absolutely steer clear from giving a sales pitch. To engage a live audience, keep the webinar informative and interactive.

Whenever new marketing tactics are discovered, people tend to dive into those tactics without a proper game plan. Organizing webinars to virtually promote businesses and their services is the new strategy to boost revenue in the post-pandemic era. Conventional marketing methods are slowly fading to make way for new strategies that will suit the fluid digital workplace environment that has become more common since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Without extensive research and knowledge, organizing successful webinars may pose a challenge. The most common problems that event and webinar organizers often face are defining exact webinar goals, designing well-suited webinar promotion strategies, engaging the right target audience, obtaining data on the target client groups, and last but not least, driving registrations.

2. Defining Webinar Goals

Many businesses are venturing into marketing webinars and organizing live virtual events. But the main question is: what makes your webinar different from the rest? Defining webinar goals and objectives to churn out positive outcomes should be the first thing on your agenda.

In the current virtual market space, numerous webinars are being organized as we speak. In order to be unique, you need to establish a purpose for your webinar. You need to identify what is currently trending in the market and create a plan that combines your webinar goals with trending marketing tactics.

In order to set concrete webinar goals to achieve exposure, identifying your business needs should be the foundation of your webinar goals.

The objective of your webinar should be to create content that is timely and effective, and its goals should be attainable and measurable.

Note: Keep in mind that your webinar goals should not be too vague or too general. They should be relevant so you can achieve a high number of registrations.

3. Effective Webinar Promotion Tactics

Do you often wonder what works in the post-pandemic world of marketing? With continuous innovation in the virtual work and market space, a webinar is on the priority list of every marketer to keep up their numbers.

By organizing webinars, key decision-makers and thought leaders can engage in conversations with their audience, which can help in establishing or increasing brand value and share high-value content and knowledge to propagate lead generation.

But the main question when it comes to organizing webinars is: how to promote them through different channels? This blog can give you a simple breakdown of seven webinar promotion tactics to drive registrations.

3.1 Rules of Webinar Promotion

When it comes to promoting your webinar, time plays a crucial role. If you want to drive a higher number of registrations for your webinar, you need to keep timing in mind.

According to research, there are certain days and times when the number of registrations is higher than others. Below are the given timelines for when you should schedule the promotion of your webinars.

  • Early Bird – Most registrations are recorded in the morning between 8 and 10 am. Therefore, sending promotional emails early in the morning will ensure that your email sits at the top of the recipient’s list.
  • Tuesday has proved to be the most effective day of the week. It accounts for 24% of the total registrations received for webinars. This is followed by Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but make sure that you circulate your key promotional messages and emails on Tuesdays.
  • You can start your launch and registration campaigns 3–4 weeks prior to the date of the webinar. This will give you a sufficient timeline to accumulate attendees and circulate promotional messages and emails. The highest number of registrations flow in a week prior to the date of the webinar.

3.2 Webinar Landing Page

In order to drive optimum registrations, you need a great webinar landing page. This is amongst the most effective webinar promotion tactics.

A creative landing page will definitely help you out as the audience will be able to gather all the essential information about the webinar. Your webinar landing page should have as few form fields as possible so they can quickly and easily register for the event.

Incorporating a relevant short video about the event will also help as it leaves a long-term impression, and the audience’s recall of your event will be greater when all senses are engaged. This is an effective webinar promotion tactic that is frequently practised.

Highlighting the benefits of the webinar is another important action as it will persuade the audience to attend your live event.

3.3 Advertising

There is nothing in this world that advertising can’t cover. You can promote your webinar extensively on your own site for free.

  • Banner ads – You can reserve space for banner ads on your website for your upcoming webinar. In this way, you can dominantly advertise your webinar and manage content on your homepage.
  • Revolving content – You can curate content on your website around the topic of the webinar. You can also include links to complementary articles, blogs, etc. on your landing page to engage your audience with useful and relevant content, which helps in piquing the interest of your visitors.
  • Special page features – You can put your webinar information in the upcoming events section of your website. If you don’t have an upcoming events section, you should consider making one soon. It helps visitors easily locate the necessary information.

3.4 Webinar Emails

There are various channels for marketing webinars, but the most effective webinar promotion tactic is sending promotional emails. According to GoToWebinar, 79% of their registrations are driven via promotional emails.

Note: Remember to send promotional webinar emails 3–4 weeks before the webinar, and you can increase the frequency of the emails a week prior to the event as the most registrations happen during that time.

3.5 Leveraging all Social Media Platforms

In order to thrive in the digital market space, your business must have a strong social media presence. If you post regularly on your social media, it shows the audience that you are active and conscious of the online community around your business.

Curating and circulating relevant social media messages with proper hashtags related to your webinar on major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can help in lead generation and getting registrations.

Note: You can also join groups and forums to send messages related to your webinar. This is an effective webinar promotion tactic; however, don’t spam users with constant messaging.

3.6 Personalized Webinar Invites

When it comes to nailing your next webinar, this is a key webinar promotion tactic that can do wonders.

As a business, you can work with your sales team to craft customized messages according to the client and their business to send personalized webinar invites.

Your prospects will appreciate the one-on-one attention and this can help you in different ways for your upcoming webinar.

3.7 Nailing the Topic and Title of Your Next Webinar

While the webinar promotion tactics stated above can work effectively to drive registrations, no amount of effort will generate profit if your title or topic is a bummer.

When choosing the right topic for your webinar, the main takeaway here is that you must create a clear and concise title.

You must be wondering what the trending topic is or what the buzz words are amongst netizens? Well, we are here to answer that for you.

Some of the most effective webinar titles are:

  • How to – ex. How To Do (something worthwhile and trending) Like (someone big in the market or in that domain).
  • Workshops, training, and master classes – ex. Master Copywriting Workshop in the Post-Pandemic Era.
  • Lists – ex. 5 Most Effective Ways To (something awesome).


1. How do you attract people to a webinar?

Effective webinar promotion tactics will help you attract people to a webinar. These tactics include choosing a relevant topic, promoting your webinar, keeping registrations simple, offering quality content, connecting with existing clients, and engaging industry leaders.

2. How do you promote a webinar on social media?

The key to social media promotion is studying your target audience thoroughly. After this step, you must focus on creating a landing page for your webinar as this is the key sale point for driving registrations. Remember to add social sharing buttons on the landing page and to promote your event on all relevant social media platforms.

Using relevant hashtags is an effective webinar promotion tactic on social media. You can also create a unique hashtag for your event.

3. Where can I promote my webinar?

There are multiple platforms where you can promote your webinar. The most common are social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. You can also promote your webinars with customized messages on different social media group pages and forums.

You can display your scheduled webinars on your homepage or on publications that are relevant to your audience using banner ads. Publications often feature upcoming events, which is a great way to list and promote your webinar. Webinar emails are one of the most effective webinar promotion tactics, and help in driving maximum registrations.

There are various webinar listing and promotion sites where you can post the details about your webinar and get help with promoting your webinar to the right audience.

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