Planning & Promotion

How to Promote an Event Effectively on Facebook?

Eventually Learning Team

Are you planning for an event, online or offline or a combination of both? If you are, then you ought to engender awareness and attendance, to bring in leads and revenue.  As per a recent study around 35 million people view public Facebook events daily. Facebook proves to be an ideal and dynamic platform to promote an event, with a worldwide reach and over 1.7 billion people accessing Facebook. Hence, Facebook can prove to be a great way to promote an event and boost your attendance, be it upcoming conference, workshop, concert, meetup, tour, show, webinar, or open house.

Creating a Facebook event is not enough, a proper and correct implementation of strategies and campaigns is necessary to leverage your Facebook event registration. In this post, you will be guided how to effectively promote your event and drive attendance using Facebook.

1 Here Are a Few Facebook Event Promotion Tips

1.1 Promote Events on Your Facebook Page

Event Facebook page will keep on changing as the event pages are no more relevant once the event has taken place, so in this case company page is the permanent one. Event marketers should make use of Facebook company pages to promote an event to potential audience. Optimize your Facebook business page to showcase your events. Make sure your first tab is “Events” tab on your page’s timeline. Make “Events” and “Upcoming Events” prominent on your company page so that your events will have a wider exposure among passionate followers who are likely to be an attendee of the event. You can reorder the “Event” tab by using “Manage Tabs” to make it more prominent.

1.2 Catchy Event Name

When setting up a Facebook event there are few things to be kept in mind. Important thing is to choose simple, concise, and yet catchy event name. The best way to raise awareness and excitement is by using interesting event description along with short promotional video and engaging attractive cover page, giving a glimpse of your event.

1.3 Optimize for Facebook Event Attendance

Creation of Facebook event need to be followed by systematic optimizing your Facebook page to ensure maximum reach and visibility. Using unique, original image as a cover photo on your event page goes a long way and evinces to attract new viewers, which in return promotes the event. People will talk about it among friends and will help to promote your event due to fun and attention-grabbing name.

Secondly, usage of relevant keywords in your tag and appropriate event category ensures the sharing and visibility by the right channels. You can use keyword research principles to generate keyword suggestions. Make sure to check “free admission” to drive up attendance in certain audience if applicable.

1.4 Facebook Advertising

Awareness of an event among people can be a real grapple. Visibility of your event is rather easy with your inner circle of audience, but organic reach can be a challenge. One of the best ways to do so is to boost the Facebook event through Facebook’s Ad system.

Boosting your Facebook event and organic posts raises awareness of the event. Just click “Boost posts” near the top of the event page once the event is created. Boosting an event can reach people who may turn up to be your attendees but are not aware of it. If you take up a targeting method, you can reach new users based on their interest, location, age, education, gender, and more.

1.5 Omni-Channel Event Promotion Strategy

Interested event attendees search about events on more than one channel. In this case, the best way to promote an event is to adopt an omni-channel event promotion strategy. Omni-channel promotion strategy is nothing but reaching out to your potential customers both online and offline where they are through multiple platforms, channels, touchpoints, and devices and providing consistent and complete customer experience. Omni-channel promotional strategy is a key for Facebook ads success. Omni-channel marketing strategy is more than just a buzz word and is the latest marketing trend.

Incorporating other social media platforms is necessary to maximize the event registration and attendee engagement. Event promoters can also cater to email marketing strategies along with promoting event on Facebook and other social media platforms.

1.6 Partner Up with Co-Hosts

Facebook allows you to co-host your event if you have a partner for the event. You can also ask another business in the industry to co-host or sponsor the event to reach out the new audience. You can add “Hosts” on your Facebook event page which will allow host companies to add the event to their own Facebook events module. This will increase the visibility of your event to maximum people and also increase the registrations.


1 How much does it cost to promote an event on Facebook?

Facebook ads commonly work on auction. Advertisers bid to secure and purchase an advertising placement. You also need to compete with the competitors who are eyeing on a similar target market. Commonly an advertiser purchase ad for Facebook through ad management tool, Ads manager by creating ads and submitting it to ad auction. While deciding the budget for your ads you are always the in charge. You pay for the actions you are interested. Choose your objective such as impression, conversion and you can only for your selected objective.

2 Does boosting an event on Facebook work?

Boosting an event improves your chances of increasing awareness, encourage RSVPs and drive ticket sales. Boosting an event converts it into an ad which in return appear in people’s feed. It also allows you to include “Get tickets” or “Interested” button. Boosted event is labelled as “Sponsored” at the top of the ad.

3 When should you start promoting an event on Facebook?

Once an event is created on Facebook, it is important to start the promotion. Make sure creation of an event should be minimum a month in advance to bag some time to plan your marketing strategy effectively. Start promoting an event well in advance, at least 2 months in advance to have a wider reach and acquire potential attendees.


Facebook gives a high potential to any event marketers to generate event buzz and increase your event attendance and making it a huge success. Event organizers must create a well-optimized Facebook page to reach the right audience and effective engagement. At the end you are the one best to decide which promotional strategy best suits your brand, event, and your audience. Sky is a limit when it comes to build a strong Facebook marketing strategy for promoting an event on Facebook (Both on, and offline social network).

The above listed strategies will help you to make your event successful and get more people interested in attending.

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