Planning & Promotion

Keeping Event Data in The Cloud: Tips and Tricks to Ensure Your Information Security

Eventually Learning Team

“One single vulnerability is all an attacker needs.”- Window Snyder

The event planning data assets have transcended time zones and geographies. Event organizers working from home desks are hence zeroing in on not only integrations but anytime, anywhere, on any device usability. Speed of data sharing is demanded as a given. But the security of the boatloads of event files, attendee accounts facts & figures and event contracts top the concern list of global event management companies. With headlines like the $600 million crypto heist of Ronin Network, the portal that supported the famous mobile game Axie Infinity, making news, organizations are still very wary of moving into the Cloud. Imagine putting all the trade secrets of your event’s success, your operational genius and your financial sheets in somebody else’s hands!

Here’s All About Cloud Storage for Dummies!

The world at large has its photos and videos uploaded on the free, limited cloud storage of Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive.

Cloud Storage can be simply put as digital data storage. Big businesses and enterprises either purchase or lease the non-free ample cloud storage server space on hosting and deployment gateways like Oracle Cloud Storage, Amazon S3 and more. For an event industry professional, this may mean those bereft of VPN access can also upload, access, edit and comment on shared event documents in one place, quicker! For an event industry external client or vendor, it could mean they can scan through event marketing flyers and graphics without editing access. And without any incessant back and forth!

The cloud bolters event management with a standardized folder system that has ‘tags’ - that string along for a faster search. In the Cloud, you can edit and save spreadsheet updates in real-time. The Version 1, Version 2 approach is out! And the event creators have to no longer fret over their organization’s hardware failure, as something you put out there in the Cloud always has a backup!!

But Does Cloud Storage Security Fortress?

Most often, we are the reason for our business hacking tragedies. We use the same passwords everywhere, leaving easy identity theft loopholes; we log in to untrustworthy sites that are security compromised. Unfortunately, even Cloud doesn’t provide us with that 100% guarantee that malicious attackers and competitors are not snooping on our private event planning files. So, even though we know that Cloud is better and more cost-effective than the company hard drives, we continue playing the ‘To Store or Not to Store’ game without a solution in sight. But the solution there is! Your event data and cloud storage can be as secure as a fortress if you utilize these tips and tricks to your advantage…

Cloud Storage Security is yours!

Go Hush-hush: Encrypt Your Data File-wise!

Encrypting event data in the Cloud is like a first-level lock; undertaking encryption at the event data file level is like advancing to second-lever locking. Another clever trick is to shard and further break down your event data into bits and pieces and store it at north-south-east-west locations of your Cloud. Doing so will keep the hackers running around in circles, trying to assemble the files as one piece, and foil their event data breach plan successfully.

Securing Cloud Data: Keep the Password, The Password!

Try using complex passwords instead of simple ones. And don’t upload a file in the Cloud full of Passwords! Enable the two-factor authentication on your Cloud Platform so that unless a code or verification SMS blinks on the user screen, no one else can crack your event data cloud safe.

Get your Anti-Hacker Shield On

What’s the worst that could happen! Ensure the Cloud Service you are on has a mechanism wherein alarms are set off as soon the bad guy enters the scene. While he tries to use his tools for a possible event data exploitation, an urgent lockdown is initiated – before any extraction or decryption.

Ideally, look for a cloud storage service provider that has ample experience who conducts annual security audits regularly and has all the essential know-how around the latest ransomware, phishing emails, infected banners and wrong social engineering attempts. Another foe of the hacker is computer systems with updated software and operating systems.

Protect Cloud Data: Think Before You Choose Your Cloud Partner!

Get C-suite buy-in on your event data cloud provider! When choosing your ‘Cloud’ teammate, ask your peers or someone who is an expert on everything Cloud if you’re making the right choice. Handpick a Cloud platform that tailors to your event data interests. For example, if you want an incredibly easy-to-use interface, you can use Dropbox, but if you want a pro at automatic data back-ups over accessibility, you can go with SugarSync!

Get into Cloud platform details like what sorts of hardware do they use? Do they flaunt any certifications? What is the promised uptime? Scan through the links on the terms and conditions the Cloud heroes like Google Drive, iCloud provide, to know more. Protect Cloud Data a 100%!

End-User Devices + Data Transfer – Make These Safe and Secure

Advanced endpoint security is not a ‘can be’ but a ‘must have’. Set clear boundaries on which event employees can use your data in the cloud and from where. You can fine-tune access control, length of access control and revoking measures. All emails within and outside the company or any data transfers should be secured with extra encryptions and comply with the applicable general data protection laws.


What are the root causes of a compromise in event data security?

The root causes of a compromised event data security are:
  • Phishing
  • Weak Passwords
  • Running of outdated Applications
  • A disgruntled event employee
  • and User Error

What are the benefits of event data cloud storage?

The benefits of event data cloud storage are:
  • You don’t need to stress about emailing large files to and fro. Cloud will create seamless data sharing and promote business productivity
  • If your hard drive fails, you can always depend on Cloud!
  • Local Hard Drives, Unencrypted Data are out. Cloud will add extra layers to your event data security
  • You can now get all your internal and external event stakeholders on the same page

What are some good Cloud Storage Service Providers?

  • Some reliable Cloud Storage Service Providers are:
  • Cvent Event Diagramming
  • Box
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Drive
  • iCloud

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