Event Marketing

Best Practices to Drive Registrations for Your Next Virtual Event

Eventually Learning Team

Virtual event registration is the trickiest part faced by event organizers. Though the event organizers create much buzz about the event on social media and other virtual event registration platforms to attract attention and get responses, no one can predict the actual event attendee count until the last minute.

The actual participants for a virtual event will drive revenue growth for the event. We often get a lot of interest and engagement on event marketing content, but the actual participants for the events is usually half of it.. So what can we do to maximize virtual event registrations? What are the event registration best practices? Keep on reading to know the ten best ways of driving registrations for virtual events.

1 Virtual Event Registration Best Practices

The random work will never land you to your event goal. It would help if you work with a precise roadmap and strategies to increase your virtual event registrations. Many a times people are interested in attending the event, but it goes unnoticed by most of them. Here comes our part as an event marketing team or an event organizer to make sure nothing slips through the cracks and make the audience register for the upcoming virtual event. Let's check the essential steps to drive virtual event registrations. 1.1 Design an Imposing Event Page

Creating a well-organized & attractive event page will help to attract the attention of the target audiences. The content of the event page must be informative, helpful, and engaging. It must increase the curiosity of the reader to convert them into your possible event attendee. Good info graphics and crisp content are all you need to create an eye-catchy event page. Keep the event page simple, easily navigatable, and user-friendly.

1.2 Show off the Event Value & Its Agenda

Once the target reader has landed on your event page, make sure he/she finds value in your event. People who value the event don't care about the event ticket cost, schedule, or platform. If they like the event topic and have seen its value, they will make sure that they will track the updates about the event and attend it on time. So work on the event agenda, try interesting and up-to-date topics that will encourage the target audience to register for the virtual event.

1.3 Understand Target Audience Motivation

Understanding the audience's psychology is essential to increase registrations for virtual events. Study some latest virtual event success. Understand what brought the readers to become the event attendees. It's not just the reader's decision, but the event content also made them register for it. The content inspired them to be a part of the event, and they could do this because first, they studied the target audience and then developed the event content.

1.4 Lift Audience Engagement

Once you successfully catch the target audience's attention and have also convinced them that it is value for money, the next step is to keep them engaged. Audience engagement is an essential part of event marketing. There are several ways to engage the target attendees. Keep pre-event free webinars, on-demand content service, and interaction through social media marketing tools. This way, they will store the event information back in their minds and figure out the time if interested in attending the virtual event.

1.5 Boost Audience Excitement

Create interesting teasers, info graphics, and videos to keep the target audience connected with your virtual event. Prepare a video with previous attendee's feedback or fun moments. Make sure you create a content copy that expresses that the event will be informative and fun to attend. It will encourage them to step forward towards registering for the virtual event . Keep flashing the event date and time in the teaser so that attendees can plan their schedules accordingly.

1.6 Maintain Consistency in Marketing Content

If you plan to market the event on various platforms and in multiple intervals, make sure you keep the consistency in the marketing content design. The font, color, logos, info graphics, and feature images everything must be consistent. This consistency will help the target audience to associate with the event marketing content quickly. Also, have a quick sharable option for the event marketing content to share it with more interested people they know.

1.7 Offer Limited Period Discounts

Offering a limited period discount on the event tickets is the best strategy to grab the virtual event registrations early. People interested in attending the event but skipping the event due to a constrained budget can opt for these discount offers.

Also, offering any additional offer like buy one and getting a discount on the second or two bookings at a time with half-price can genuinely encourage more people to participate in the virtual event. Surprising gifts after early registration sponsored by event sponsors will also turn the heads of the target attendees towards the virtual event.

1.8 Provide Easy Procedures to Register & Pay

The next big thing to always keep in mind while organizing any event is the registration and payment process. Both the procedures must be accessible, secure, interactive, and integrated. Come over of those old online registration forms with too much information to fill. Try some latest intelligent registration techniques. For event ticket payments, always have multiple secure and hassle-free payment options.

1.9 Use Online Calendars

Many people use online Google calendars these days as it is easy to access. Some widgets and applications allow you to add the events to the attendee's calendar. Grab this opportunity to remind the attendees about the event by using this technology.

1.10 Reminders Through Email Marketing

The final & important task is sending personalized emails at a particular interval of time. You can divide this interval into multiple phases. First is the virtual event introduction email, next would be an email that will boost their interest in the event, followed by a follow-up about how they will miss something important if they missed this event, and last but not the least, a final reminder email. All these emails must have content that will encourage the audience to register for the virtual event.


Real-time attendees are the essential part of any virtual event success. Practicing the latest event marketing strategies is necessary to drive the registrations for your next virtual event. Being diverse while marketing your virtual event will extend the target audience's reach. In the end, revenue growth with virtual events is the final goal of any event.


1. What is event registration software?

Event registration software helps event marketers to advertise the event and invite attendees. It allows managing the registration list and communication with the attendees. An advanced software will also process event tickets and payment acceptance. The software will also help in getting the data of the attendees.

2. How do you conduct a virtual event?

  • Understand target audience & pick event topic
  • Decide event goal & content
  • Prepare event schedule & agenda
  • Find a good speaker
  • Choose event platform & send invitations
  • Host your virtual event on the schedule

3. What are the types of virtual events?

Any online event comes under the virtual event umbrella. Virtual conferences, summits, online trade shows, exhibitions, webinars all come under the virtual event concept.

4. How long should a virtual event be?

The virtual event should not be too long as in-person events are. The standard time for virtual events is around 3-4 hours.

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