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Founded by two MIT engineers in 2013, Ultranauts Inc. (formerly Ultra Testing) is on a mission to demonstrate that neurodiversity, including autism, is a competitive advantage for business. To achieve our mission, we’re building a world-class software and data quality engineering firm that delivers superior value for our customers, and designing a universal workplace that embraces neurodiversity, and diversity in all its forms, and serves as a replicable blueprint for other employers.
29-31 January 2023
An Exchange is a unique, invitation-only meeting driven by pre-scheduled one-on-one workshops (Private Consultations) between pre-qualified solution providers and senior decision-makers.
Event Ended
03-03 October 2023
The global pandemic has changed the way we all live and work and now more than ever the IT/security department has become crucial in keeping businesses growing and employees connected. One of the unexpected, positive, changes for CIOs, CISOs and seni