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Delivering technical talent solutions for enterprises—driving exceptional customer experiences. Tek Experts is a leading global provider of technical talent solutions and a trusted partner to some of the world’s largest, most-respected organizations. We help enterprises deliver exceptional customer experiences and results, at scale. Our flexible solutions cover the full customer lifecycle, including specialized technical support services, customer success offerings, and tech talent sourcing. We offer a range of flexible engagement options from fully outsourced services, where we recruit and manage talent to agreed-upon deliverables, to acting as the employer of record, with the option of hosting talent in our dynamic and vibrant tech hubs, to sourcing talent for companies to hire directly.
08-10 May 2023
TSIA World INTERACT offers an immersive experience for technology professionals driving organizational change! With an agenda offering a plethora of networking events and transformational educational content, the conference brings together a remarkab
Event Ended