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South Central Ohio Human Resource Council (SCOHRC) is a consortium of human resource professionals from Southern Ohio who meet regularly throughout the year. We are particularly proud of our chartering and recognition by the parent organization Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) in 2003. SHRM is the world s largest HR association with more than 250 000 members and over 575 chapters across the United States. Our affiliation with SHRM allows us to extend opportunities for learning networking and the advancement of the HR profession. We are committed to offering a wide variety of HR-related informational training programs to our members other business professionals and the public. Examples of potential presentation and training program topics include Social Media & HR FMLA Management Legal Updates of Current Case Law Workplace Violence & Bullying FSLA/DOL Compliance Wellness Initiatives Leadership Development ADA Compliance/Pitfalls Sexual Harassment Diversity Initiatives and more! 2022 SCOHRC Board Members President - Tamra Lowe President Elect - Kelly Smith Past President - Julie Bolen VP Of Membership - Todd Cron Treasurer - Beth Mitten Secretary - Madenia Stafford At Large - Sonie Butler At Large - Mary Cox Membership Information If you are a National SHRM member joining our chapter is FREE! If you are not a National SHRM member membership is only 50 per year. For more information on joining please send us a message through one of our SCOHRC social media accounts (Facebook or LinkedIn) visit our website or email scohrc ohioshrm.
20-22 September 2023
The conference registration price option should be used for HR Professionals, attorneys, and other interested individuals that wish to network with peers, interact with the many sponsors at the exhibit hall, earn recertification credits and listen an
Event Ended