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Mestrelab Research is a software development company focused on the development and supply of high quality software for Analytical Chemistry (NMR, LC/GC/MS) and Analytical Chemistry data management (Databasing, Electronic Archiving, etc.
22-24 March 2022
At MSPWorld you will hear from world-class speakers on a range of topics specifically created to bring you the relevant information you need as an MSP.
Event Ended
26-27 April 2022
INCREASE EFFICIENCY, ENHANCE CONNECTIVITY & DRIVE SUPERIOR QUALITY IN THE MODERN LAB The SmartLab Exchange the premier invitation-only community meeting for senior R&D, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control decision-makers from multiple industries i
Fort Lauderdale
22-23 February 2023
The SmartLab Exchange brings together a select group of leading experts from across the smart laboratory space for innovative learning and thought-leadership discussions.