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Speaking Engagements


We are passionate about helping product managers and other product people become better product people. It wasn’t very long ago before we were in product roles, yet were secretly confused about what it even meant to be a product person. Of course, we mostly kept that confusion to ourselves.

19-21 September 2022

Product Officer Summit?
The summit will bring together Chief Product Officers, and other senior-level product leaders, from the largest companies and most exciting startups in the UK & beyond. It provides the best opportunity for executives to discuss product leadership best in a dedicated and intimate environment of their peers. We’ve assem

01-01 December 2022

The SubSummit Experience is an annual event that brings together a diverse range of subscription industry professionals, with over 200 job titles represented. It offers valuable insights and practical solutions to address the ever-evolving challenges of running a successful subscription business.

With a focus on tried-and-tested tact

30 May-02 June 2023

ProductCon New York is the largest Product Management conference taking place on May 31, 2023, in the heart of New York City, the fastest-growing tech hub in the United States. Organized by Product School, the conference offers attendees access to cutting-edge Product Management industry trends, fresh perspectives on product, and networking opportu