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Speaking Engagements


This conference will focus on the latest technologies and best practices emerging in the modern software development and architecture space. Our speakers are authors, consultants, open source developers, and recognized industry experts. NFJS brings a high quality conference to your city, making the event accessible not only to senior engineers, but

09-10 June 2023

UberConf is our flagship educational event for software engineers and technical leaders. With 10 concurrent tracks, 140 sessions, and 10 full-day workshops; ÜberConf is truly the ultimate destination for passionate technologists.

18-21 July 2023

DevOpsCon conference focused on topics related to CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment), the Kubernetes ecosystem, Agile and Lean Business. The conference will take place from September 25th to 28th, 2023, either in New York or online. DevOpsCon aims to explore how cloud platforms, microservices, and Kubernetes work together with com

25-26 September 2023

Making sense of your data is key for every modern predictive business. At ML Conference you will develop a deep understanding of your data, as well as learn about the latest tools and technologies. Learn from leading experts about which methods, libraries, services, models, and algorithms to use. Plus, crucially, hear their war stories about traini

25-28 September 2023

In our global economy, software systems are becoming increasingly complex. Therefore, requiring leading edge systems to be carefully designed based on established architectural experience and the latest software knowledge.

25-28 September 2023