Risk Management Conference 2023


Credit unions operate in a financial arena fraught with risks and uncertainties, akin to a game of chess with unknown opponent moves. However, credit unions do not have to face these risks alone. Vizo Financial's annual Risk Management Conference offers credit unions the opportunity to learn about and implement effective risk management strategies, ranging from cybersecurity to payment risk and more. With a diverse range of topics covered, including the famous tabletop exercise, credit unions can gain the knowledge and insights necessary to overcome the riskiest aspects of their business. The conference will take place on April 20-21, 2023, at The Hotel Hershey in Hershey, PA, providing credit unions with a tactical edge to navigate the complex financial landscape and emerge victorious.

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Vizo Financial Corporate CU


Vizo Financial’s story is simple, because we have only one simple goal – to help your credit union succeed. Whether you need assistance with balance sheet management and investments or payment processing, we’re here to provide you with a complete back office solution so you can focus on your community and fulfilling the credit union movement of “people helping people.” Helping a neighbor send their son to college or helping a member get a loan for a new car – these are the things that are important to you. The success of credit unions everywhere – that’s what is important to us. And that’s why everything we do, every decision we make, is with you in mind.

20 - 21 Apr 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Business Continuity Administrator
Manager, IS Assurance and Advisory
Director of Education
Risk Management Expert
Product Compliance
Supervisory Special Agent

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners

Vizo Financial Corporate CU

Vizo Financial’s story is simple, because we have only one simple goal – to help your credit union succeed. Whether you need assistance with balance sheet management and investments or payment processing, we’re here to provide you with a complete bac


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