P99 Conf 2023

Welcome to P99 CONF 2023, the ultimate gathering for individuals who are passionate about P99 percentiles, low-latency engineering, and performance optimizations. This highly-technical virtual conference brings together thousands of like-minded peers from around the world.

At P99 CONF, you'll delve into a wide range of topics designed to challenge and inspire you. Our agenda features in-depth explorations of cutting-edge technologies such as Rust, C++, Go, event streaming architectures, distributed databases, Linux kernel, observability, Kubernetes (K8s), and much more. Prepare to uncover novel approaches to efficiently and swiftly solve complex problems.

Unlike any other event, P99 CONF is crafted by engineers for engineers. We prioritize a vendor and tool-agnostic environment, ensuring that the focus remains on technical excellence rather than marketing agendas. This conference is exclusively tailored for a highly technical audience, where you can engage in thought-provoking keynotes, technical deep dives, and vibrant conversations.

Join us for two half days packed with invaluable insights and knowledge-sharing. Engage with industry-leading experts, discover groundbreaking ideas, and connect with fellow engineers who share your passion for pushing the boundaries of efficiency and speed.

Please note that P99 CONF is an event where technical prowess takes center stage. We intentionally exclude higher-level management from attending, ensuring an environment where engineers can freely collaborate and exchange ideas.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of P99 CONF 2023. Register now and prepare to immerse yourself in a virtual conference like no other.

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ScyllaDB is the database for data-intensive apps that require high performance and low latency. It enables teams to harness the ever-increasing computing power of modern infrastructures--eliminating barriers to scale as data grows.

18 - 19 Oct 2023

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