mRNA Quality Control & Comparability Summit

The mRNA Quality Control & Comparability Summit aims to address the lack of knowledge and standardization in the evaluation of mRNA therapeutics and vaccines. The current methods used are difficult to compare and standardize, and there is a need for common understanding and regulations in analytical procedures to assess the quality of mRNA-based products.

This summit provides a platform for industry experts to discuss strategies for ensuring quality and consistency of mRNA-based products throughout their lifecycle, including testing raw materials, assessing stability, potency, and purity, and managing the product lifecycle. Attendees can learn from case studies and experiences shared by leading industry players.

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13 - 15 Jun 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Vice President, Quality
Professor of Vaccine Design and Delivery
PhD Candidate
Principal Scientist
Vice President of Chemistry & Boulder Site Head
Director General, DG "Pre-authorization"
Director AS&T
Associate Professor
Commercial Manufacturing Lead
Strategic Analytical Validation & Lifecycle Lead

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners

TriLink BioTechnologies, part of Maravai LifeSciences

TriLink’s CDMO services offer a range of manufacturing grade products from discovery-grade (RUO) to its customizable intermediate-grade - GMPLink™ to full GMP-grade with scale-up and technology transfer expertise.


KACTUS is a biotechnology company serving global biopharma and diagnostics customers. We focus on commercial protein production for unmet needs in the drug development pipeline, including challenging recombinant proteins such as Claudin 18.2, MHC com


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