International Conference on Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases

Magnus Group is pleased to announce one of its kind “International conference on Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases” during August 17-19, 2023. Orphan Drugs 2023 is scheduled in Virtual Format: You can participate Virtually from your home or workplace.

The conference will maintain its unique theme “Orphan drugs: Ray of hope for rare disease”.

A rare disease is described by the World Health Organization as a disease or disorder that affects one in every 1000 people. However, rare diseases are not so rare these days. These diseases have grabbed the attention of the pharmaceutical industry and scientists over the past three decades.

Orphan drugs are medications or vaccines that are used to treat, prevent, or diagnose a rare disorder (such as Huntington's disease, Tourette syndrome or myoclonus). These drugs are called orphan because of their rarity, without government funding it would be unprofitable to manufacture these drugs. Orphan drug production for rare diseases is rife with opportunities and obstacles on a global scale, including regulatory strategies, research and development, clinical trials, time to reach market, and affordability and accessibility disparities. It is timely that experts from academia and industry unite and address these issues that will steer the development of orphan drugs.

This global congress on Orphan drugs and rare diseases provides a head interdisciplinary stage for experts to introduce their most recent research findings and portray developing advances and bearings in rare diseases. Orphan Drugs 2023 attempts to contribute to presenting novel research results in all aspects of Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases and address the hardships faced by the scientific community from its development to its marketing.

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Magnus Group


Magnus Group (MG) is initiated to meet a need and to pursue collective goals of the scientific community specifically focusing in the field of Sciences, Engineering, and technology to endorse exchanging of the ideas & knowledge which facilitate the c

17 - 19 Aug 2023

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Magnus Group

Magnus Group (MG) is initiated to meet a need and to pursue collective goals of the scientific community specifically focusing in the field of Sciences, Engineering, and technology to endorse exchanging of the ideas & knowledge which facilitate the c


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