FX Markets USA 2023
New York City

FX traders are constantly looking to innovate and find efficiencies, and the pace of change is only increasing. FX Markets USA helps you to learn from thought-leaders about the latest innovations in technology, where the FX markets are, and most importantly where they are heading. Join senior FX industry leaders from asset management firms, investment banks, corporates, exchanges, hedge funds, insurance firms, pension funds, and prime brokers this October to gain comprehensive, objective, and insightful critical analysis of the latest developments and issues shaping the future of the FX market.

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FX Markets


FX Markets has been launched on the premise that the growing, global FX industry is going through a period of complex, structural change – and that we need to do more than round up the news. Now, when we cover news, it will be exclusive. If it’s not a scoop or a fresh angle, we won’t report it.

17 - 17 Oct 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Regional Head of Research, Americas | Managing Director
Chief Market Strategist
Senior Managing Director
Executive Director
Portfolio Manager
Managing Director, GFMA Global FX Division - Americas
Americas Head of Product, Financing and Treasury, Financing & Securities Services
Managing Director
Head of Electronic Macro - Americas
Deputy Editor Global Markets, Risk.net & FX Markets
Managing Director - Head of linear FX trading
Chief Executive Officer

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners

oneZero Financial Systems

oneZero develops multi-asset class trading technology, which empowers financial institutions and brokers to compete in today’s ever-changing global markets.

smartTrade Technologies

smartTrade Technologies is a leading global provider of multi-asset electronic trading platforms, helping customers achieve business growth through our cost-efficient, technologically advanced secure private SaaS end-to-end solution.


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