DevOpsDays Organizer Summit 2023

The DevOpsDays Global Organizer Summit is an annual gathering of organizers from DevOpsDays events around the world. Scheduled to take place on August 8, 2023, in Chicago, IL, USA, this summit brings together experienced and passionate individuals who are responsible for planning and organizing local DevOpsDays conferences. During the summit, organizers have the opportunity to network with their peers, share insights and best practices, and collaborate on improving the DevOpsDays event experience worldwide. The event aims to foster community building, knowledge exchange, and professional development for DevOps practitioners and enthusiasts. The summit typically features a range of sessions, including keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions. Topics covered may include event organization strategies, community engagement, content curation, sponsorship management, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and other relevant aspects of hosting successful DevOpsDays events. By participating in the DevOpsDays Global Organizer Summit, attendees can gain valuable insights into organizing community-driven events, learn from the experiences of fellow organizers, and contribute to the ongoing growth and development of the DevOps community. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information about the DevOpsDays Global Organizer Summit, including registration details and the event agenda, I recommend visiting the official website of DevOpsDays or searching for updates closer to the event date.

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08 - 08 Aug 2023

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