Customer Success Festival | Las Vegas 2023
Las Vegas


The Customer Success Festival is a premier event where top industry leaders in customer success come together to share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences. By attending the festival, you can gain a competitive advantage by staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends, learn proven growth strategies and tactics to increase revenue, expand your professional network and make valuable connections, and advance your career through mentorship opportunities. The festival also provides a platform to strengthen your team and increase productivity by hiring new talent.

With more than 25 speakers and over 100 attendees, including 80% senior management from 75+ companies, you can expect to gain valuable insights from leading customer success experts. Topics covered include understanding customers holistically to engage, convert, and retain them, demonstrating the strategic value of customer success to earn executive buy-in, supercharging customer success operations to help grow revenue at scale, discovering winning customer success strategies implemented by high-growth companies, finding a balance between human-first and digital-led customer success to increase scalability, shifting customer success function to be a strategic driver of revenue for sustained growth, and empowering your advancement in the field of customer success to secure a place at the decision-making table.

By attending the festival, you'll become part of the Customer Success Community and leave with some of the world's most forward-thinking strategies to implement in your workplace.

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24 - 25 May 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Director, Customer Success, Data, AI & Advanced Analytics, Azure Intelligent Cloud
VP, Global SMB Client Success
Head of Customer Success
Head of Customer Success, DNB West
Head of Customer Success,
Director, Customer Success and Customer Support
Chief Customer Officer
Senior Vice President Customer Success/ CCO
SVP, Customer Success and Self Serve Experience
Customer Success Director, Financial Services
Chief Customer Officer
Customer Success Manager Team Lead

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


The Acara team have decades of combined experience within the events space, having built, grown, and sold multiple successful event companies. We understand the common pain points that event marketers face, and we want to alleviate these.

Catalyst Software

Catalyst is the world's most intuitive Customer Success Platform (CSP), built by an experienced group of industry leaders.

Customer Success Collective

Customer Success Collective is a global community where everyone from junior customer success managers, to chief customer officers can network, learn and grow.

Client Success

ClientSuccess is revolutionizing the way SaaS companies manage, retain, and grow their existing customer base. We help SaaS companies proactively manage customer relationships, measure customer health, minimize churn and maximize revenue.


GUIDEcx® is a client onboarding and implementation platform that keeps your clients at the center of every project by providing complete visibility into the work.

Vitally helps B2B SaaS teams like Segment, Zapier, and Productboard to deeply understand their customers and empower every customer success manager to 10x their effectiveness through powerful assistive automation.


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