Corporate Learning & Development Forum 2023


The leaders of tomorrow are nurtured by the learning and development programming of today. Nowhere is the potential of effective leadership more profoundly felt than in the corporate learning and development space. Join senior leaders in discussing what’s now and what’s next in the field.

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Consero Was Created To Connect After attending countless mega-conferences, we knew our formula must be different. So we challenged every convention and detail of our past experience in order to build something entirely distinct and truly transformati

18 - 20 Sep 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Assistant Vice President, Talent & Organization Development
Head of U.S. Talent, Learning & Organizational Effectiveness
Head of Global Learning & Development
Director, Global People & Culture
VP of Learning and Organizational Development
Group Vice President | Learning, Development & Engagement
Head of Learning and Capability Development for the Americas
Head of Executive Development
Vice President, Learning and Development
Program Director, Organizational Learning and Development
Adjunct Professor
Senior Director, Medical Affairs Learning & Development

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


At Torch, we are coaches, psychologists, entrepreneurs, and people managers who have seen firsthand the impact of thoughtful leadership. We’ve also seen the chaos that results from ill-equipped leaders at the helm.

Strategic Education, Inc

With a focus on improving college affordability, student engagement and workforce readiness, we are supporting the growing majority of non-traditional students and ensuring that our graduates have the skills required to succeed in today’s jobs.

Coachhub - the Digital Coaching Platform

CoachHub is the leading global talent development platform that enables organizations to create a personalized, measurable and scalable coaching program for the entire workforce, regardless of department and seniority level.


Inspired by Stanford research, Arist helps leading companies deliver learning, training, and nudges in the flow of work via Teams, Slack, and text message-based courses.


Whatfix is a leading Digital Adoption Platform that helps companies deliver modern and easy onboarding, effective training and better support to users through contextual content displayed at the time of need.


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